The Chat Companion module primarily impresses with two features: It offers all the possibilities of a modern messenger and it is absolutely DSGVO-compliant.
In the chat module, two people can communicate with each other - but popular functions such as broadcast and group chat can also be used. In each conversation, users can share familiar chat features such as text, voice, images, videos, documents and links, but of course also emojis.
And you are always in a secure environment. Encryption on the entire communication route, whether point-to-point or point-to-multipoint communication, is a matter of course with OBCC Chat Companion.

At the same time, a configurable control function is integrated directly into the app. Among other things, it can react - in multiple languages - to terms and filter them, or the complete sentences with the unwanted or unauthorized content.
As with all apps of the OB//CC World of Compliance, Chat Companion works with servers in German data centers and with EU-based operators, so that the problematic legislation regarding foreign insight into your communication when using many other messengers is no longer a problem for you.
Of course, on-premise hosting is also possible, where your data is only subject to your own access at any time.