Pro Education was developed together with an engineering office and currently contains approx. 50 different instructions that can be processed completely independently by your employees - independent of fixed training dates in terms of time and location.
Among other things, packages can be purchased, e.g. 10, 20 or 50 licenses for instructions can be purchased and later assigned to individual employees or groups of employees. In order to implement this in an uncomplicated way, the system allows you to either enter addresses for invitations or to import complete address lists and select the relevant courses per person.
In one of the next versions, they will also be able to add their own training courses via an internal editor, which will either only be available to their company - or, after consultation with OB//CC, can also be offered beyond this for a fee.
The legal requirement that questions can be directed to a personal contact person during digital training courses is, of course, fully covered by our partner and is available on all working days.
Of course, an administration interface is also available for Pro Education, which greatly simplifies the handling of the system, e.g. for your HR department: the participation in trainings can be monitored, a necessary repetition after 12 or 24 months can be reminded automatically, missing completion or comprehensive knowledge gaps can be escalated automatically to superiors.
Pro Education offers in its free version i.A. one to two free courses each, so they can get an impression of the system. Packages for individual or groups of employees are available via in-app purchase - in the case of large volumes, contractually suitable conditions can be agreed with OB//CC.
Use Case Study: Wie eine Schulung mit ProEducation abläuft
Employees can complete courses independently and on the move; depending on requirements, an external trainer can support learning - this trainer can be present, but alternatively also come to the aid of the browser directly via video switching if clarification of a question is not successful. At the end of the training, questions are asked for understanding and automatically evaluated. If these are answered correctly, the employee receives a certificate confirming that he or she has successfully completed the training. Your HR department, plant security, or receptionist will have real-time access to the results so that they can be reviewed at any time for admittance or approval to a task. If successful completion of the exam is unsuccessful, the first option is to allow a second or third pass, then retake the training or relevant chapters if necessary, and attempt the exam again.
In addition, ProEducation can remind you and your employees when certain training courses have expired. Employees, as well as the responsible occupational safety staff and supervisors, are always informed about which instructions they have already completed and which they still need to complete. Instruction thus becomes routine. Pro Education minimizes the workload and provides security for employees and the company. If, for example, there is no response after two weeks, an escalation can be made to a supervisor or the HR department, or alternatively the employee can be blocked from certain tasks, which is communicated directly to their department or your HR office.

Employees, as well as the responsible occupational safety staff and supervisors, are thus always informed about which instructions they have already completed and which they still need to complete. But Pro Education can do even more: Your HR department can record employee departures - conveniently via a website with an individual login. Are for
If it is foreseeable that not enough employees will be trained for a required skill - whether learned via Pro Education or in another training course - a notification is sent. The corresponding training results or certificates can be transferred manually or imported as a table, including all necessary information such as validity period and scope. Especially in the case of internationally active companies, the latter can be of particular importance.

Within the last months, with bp Retail Germany and TenneT - together with the engineering and construction company CDM Smith - the introduction of new instances of Pro Education in new business areas and on new construction sites have begun. Neither of these are new customers for OB//CC, but have been convinced of our development expertise for years: Training systems for bp are already running as gate training for the refinery in Gelsenkirchen, among others, and also for Steam & Power, Control of Work and Sabic (Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Company), which operates on the site of the Gelsenkirchen refinery. TenneT has been relying on OB//CC's technical solutions in the field of construction site documentation for years and has the results of safety inspections recorded by ProtoCon and transferred fully automatically to its in-house system for further processing. What is new about Pro Education - in contrast to other training systems available and used today - is a number of things. Instead of using multiple systems for individual tasks - for example
- the initial training with PowerPoint and the training supervisor,
- a gate training at each branch, which can be used by any visitor without registration,
- a briefing for visitors at your reception desk
- and collections of instruction in the form of Office documents or PDFs in your departments that are used to train individual skills,
a single Pro Education system can be extremely flexible and perform many different tasks with a single installation. Each problem can be addressed with an individual configuration and the appropriate training materials, so that, for example, employees who are not yet familiar with the system can do gate training and visitor briefings, contractors for your construction projects can be given access to the briefing for the respective construction site as soon as they are commissioned, or your internal employees can be stored in the system by name in order to have the system automatically cover the respective requirement profiles. On several construction sites already rolled out, training terminals, including all necessary hardware and software, theft protection, insurance, etc. are currently assembled and delivered. Also whole training rooms can be equipped by OB//CC - optionally incl. examination terminals for handing out or for the execution of the examination on the own terminal.
Online Training Software-Digital Education Made Simple
Online training courses have many advantages over traditional training courses and are therefore becoming more and more popular. With the right online training software, employees have the opportunity to take part in a training course conveniently and from any location, thus acquiring the necessary knowledge at any time.
With our online training software ProEducation from OBCC, you can easily create your own online training courses and thus optimize the transfer of knowledge within your company.
In this article, we will discuss the advantages of online training software and show you how to create the right online training.
What are the advantages of software training?
If you use software training for the further education of your employees, this has several advantages. We have compiled a short list of the most important arguments for using training software.
Location independence. Particularly in internationally active companies, it is often the case that employees are unable to take part in a training course due to distance or that this is associated with considerable expense. Training with online software is location-independent and meetings can be held anywhere in the world.
Time independence. In addition to different locations, different time zones or busy schedules often interfere with training plans. With online training software, employees can work through training when they have the time and schedule their own training.
Lower costs. If you want to run a training course with a large number of employees, it can quickly turn into a full-day workshop to which the relevant experts have to be invited. The hourly wages of these experts are often correspondingly high, which is why a one-day workshop can be quite expensive.
With online training, you can use recordings that have already been made and save on the travel costs of the experts. This can save money and increase the number of training courses on offer.
Knowledge transfer within the company. Training does not always have to be organized externally. Your employees usually have a considerable wealth of knowledge and can therefore also create their own workshops with the online training software. In this way, knowledge is effectively passed on within your company.
How does a training with online software work?
A good online software for training should help you to create your own training quickly and easily, keep your data safe and simplify the training.
We at OBCC provide you with ProEducation, a professional software for online trainings. This can:
Store your data in a DSGVO compliant manner. At OBCC, we rely on blockchain technology to store your data securely and in a DSGVO-compliant manner and make it available to you when needed
Provide your training externally at your request for a fee. If you have created an excellent training, others can certainly benefit from it. This way you can have your efforts rewarded by income from your training.
Provide you with ready-made training courses from other companies. In many cases, other companies or experts have already created their own training. So, instead of creating your own training, in some cases it may be better to buy a ready-made online training.
Automate your training through automatic data evaluation and inform you independently when a refresher is needed. This way, you always keep track of the status of software trainings.
Inform superiors if training obligations are not met. Security gaps due to a lack of advanced training can quickly become a problem. With OBCC's online training software, your employees* are always up to date.
Of course you can test the functionality of our online training software yourself and go through a trial training. If you are interested or would like to ask further questions, you are welcome to arrange an initial meeting via our contact form.
In this meeting we will talk about your requirements and wishes and how you can best use our software for your online training.
I am looking forward to you and your request!
Your Walter Lorz from OBCC