Saving time and nerves, and minimizing risk - that's easy with the ProtoCon "construction site app"!
Of course, every conversion, every inspection and every other comparable process can also be documented and evaluated appropriately.
A lot of information about construction projects must be documented in writing so that you can provide evidence in the event of any defects and thus protect yourself - whether as the building owner, as a contractor or as a SiGeKo employee.
For site managers, construction documentation often means a lot of work and paperwork. A construction documentation app helps you reduce the time spent, avoid careless mistakes and always keep track of everything. In addition, construction documentation via ProtoCon protects both parties, as it helps avoid disputes and provide clear evidence in the event of a legal dispute.

Site managers are well advised to document construction sites, but also SiGeKo employees must document conditions in a legally compliant manner during their obligatory inspections in order to be prepared in case of an emergency. If, despite the various obligations, no documentation is created, there may be the threat of severe penalties, claims for damages or even pension claims. In the case of occupational accidents in particular, it is better to be safe than sorry.
In addition, the consequences of deficiencies - viewed individually - often cannot be recognized and adequately remedied in time, so that instead of a short-term remedy, in the worst case scenario, the situation threatens to worsen.
Resulting employee accidents are not only devastating for the people affected, but can also have unpleasant consequences for the employer in financial terms and in terms of public impact.
Many accidents can be prevented, or at least their consequences mitigated, by documenting problems in a timely, appropriate manner and at short notice.
Depending on your needs, you can create one or more construction projects and provide them with the appropriate images, documents and information, assign rights to edit or view them, etc. In this way, you can ensure, but not necessarily also edit, that projects from other departments, for example, also remain where they belong.

In many cases, for example, the pre-completed import of contact persons, work locations and the like can also help you - as well as the selection of pre-formulated measures for specific hazards can save you a lot of paperwork. The immediate dispatch, in seconds directly from the place of action - as opposed to completion on the home computer with dispatch on the next working day - round off the package.
Each individual step can thus be filed precisely and in the correct chronological order without you losing track of it all. If other employees or third parties also need access at a later date, this can be done with just a few clicks. The same applies to other parties involved, who can help to ensure that your project is carried out safely and efficiently.
Thanks to the construction documentation, new employees are immediately familiar with the status of the construction site at all times.
Digital construction site documentation can also be conveniently synchronized with your company's database on a regular basis, whether with SAP or many other software solutions. In this way, your employees have faster access when needed and the joint processing of orders is simplified.
By default, construction documentation is regularly output as a PDF document. Alternatively, however, many structured formats such as JSON, XML or CSV are also available, which allow diverse further processing.