Construction documentation via App

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Construction projects must be documented in writing so that you can provide evidence in the event of any defects and thus protect yourself. For construction managers, construction documentation often means a lot of work and paperwork. A construction documentation app will help you reduce the time spent and avoid careless mistakes.

In this article, we'll go over how construction documentation software works and why construction apps save you time and nerves as a builder. Since construction documentation differs from job site to job site, we'll go over different variations.

We hope that through this article we can increase motivation and efficiency on your construction site.

Why is there an obligation for construction documentation?


According to service phase 8 of the HOAI (Fee Structure for Architects and Engineers), architects and building owners are obliged to carry out written construction documentation. The background to this is that in the event of damage or defects, it is possible to trace how construction has progressed and what steps have been taken.

In principle, construction documentation protects both homeowners (errors in the construction process are revealed) and builders. The latter can also use the documentation to prove that everything proceeded properly during the construction phase.

Although the HOAI speaks of written construction documentation, it does not specify how this must be done. Accordingly, in addition to handwritten logging, you also have the option of using construction apps.

In the following paragraph, we would like to show you why it makes sense to use apps for construction site documentation.

What happens if I do not comply with the documentation obligation?

A breach of the documentation obligation poses two major risks that can become a problem for your construction site.

First, you are obligated to carry out construction site documentation. If you do not carry out documentation despite the obligation, you can be subject to severe penalties. You must be careful here, especially in the event of damage.

In addition, defects can often not be detected and repaired in time, resulting in hazardous areas on the construction site. Accidents involving employees are not only devastating for the people affected, but can also have unattractive long-term consequences from a financial perspective.

Documentation can prevent accidents in certain cases, and every accident avoided helps not only you, but more importantly, your employees. Even if an accident does occur, the documentation app allows you to prove that you tried your best to prevent accidents. Especially for the insurance company, this proof is worth its weight in gold.

How a construction documentation app works.

In order to evaluate construction documentation apps, we first need to take a closer look at how these apps work. When using construction apps, you can conveniently document your steps with handy tools and store them in your company.

Depending on your needs, you can create different construction projects and add the corresponding images, documents and information to them. Every single step can thus be incorporated accurately and in correct chronological order, without you losing track.

As far as needed, you can share the construction documentation with other employees and thus ensure that a successful collaboration is achieved.

Data protection and data storage- How does it work?


When it comes to data storage, there is often a certain amount of difficulty. Many companies are not sure whether they should store internal company data themselves or outsource it. The DSGVO in particular has further increased uncertainty in this area.

At this point, we can reassure you. DSGVO-compliant handling of sensitive data is easily possible with a building documentation app from OBCC. We specialize in handling your data according to the latest technical standards and in compliance with data protection regulations.

To do this, we revert to our blockchain technology, which ensures maximum security and easy access. Of course, you can also store and manage your company data in your internal file system. In this case, we are also available to answer any questions you may have about the DSGVO. Feel free to use ourcontact form and arrange an initial meeting.

Advantages of a construction documentation app

If you use apps for your construction site documentation, this usually has several advantages over purely analog documentation (via camera and construction book).

  • Time savings. Construction site documentation apps provide you with handy tools and utilities that allow you to select ready-made building blocks and use them to conveniently perform construction documentation. A construction documentation app usually brings massive time savings that benefit your work performance and nerves.
  • Easier backup. Analog documentation needs to be stored in one place and retrieved when needed. If you're doing digital construction documentation, you can search for it with the click of a mouse (or swipe if you're using an app).
  • Less paper waste. From an environmental perspective, using a construction site app can reduce your company's paper usage. This means you won't have to scramble to find lost documents, and the environment benefits through reduced resource use.
  • Better collaboration. Digital job site documentation can be conveniently stored in your company's database. This gives your employees better access when needed, and makes it easier to collaborate on jobs.
  • More Security. As a rule, your employees can be assigned access rights. This way, you can ensure that only the appropriate people have access to sensitive data and construction documentation. If, on the other hand, the documentation is in analog form, this is not always possible. 

If additional employees are needed to implement your construction project, you can simply give them access rights as well. The construction documentation means that the new employees are directly familiar with the status of the construction site.  

  • Defects can be tracked more easily. Through the app, employees on the construction site can report possible defects and errors before they turn into hazards. Accordingly, you can reduce the accident rate and avoid expensive repairs or duplicate work. 


Construction documentation software or construction apps?  

Basically, you have the choice between construction documentation software and construction apps. The difference lies in the device used. Construction apps can be used on a smartphone or tablet, but for construction documentation software you need to use a PC.  

So here it all depends on what suits your ideas more. Construction apps are usually more mobile, as you can use the photo function of your smartphone or tablet and thus have all the important tools available on the construction site itself.

However, some of our customers have told us that you like construction documentation software better because you prefer to work on a computer.

Therefore, we usually recommend choosing a hybrid solution. With us at OBCC, the construction documentation software is linked to the construction site app if you wish. This allows you to take photos on the construction site with your smartphone or tablet and use the data on the go. Afterwards, you can also finish and check your project work on a PC.

Have your individual construction documentation app programmed or use off-the-shelf apps?

In many cases, the question arises as to whether you should have a construction documentation app and software programmed individually or whether it makes more sense to use a ready-made solution. In our experience, this is very much dependent on your individual requirements.

As a rule, construction sites are similar and so are the documentation requirements. In such a case, using a ready-made solution is certainly more cost-effective and makes more sense. With a ready-made construction documentation app, you benefit from best practices, regular updates and practical tools that have been tried and tested in the past.

For most of our clients, we recommend using our ready-made apps such as OnTime, LMRA and ProtoCon, which can be happily combined.  

In some cases, however, our customers have made a conscious decision to develop their own software and construction documentation app individually in order to gain competitive advantages and have it adapted to their processes.

Of course, we offer both options. We would be happy to discuss your needs and requirements in an initial get-to-know-you meeting. This way, we can jointly evaluate whether custom fabrication or accessing our existing construction documentation apps makes more sense for you.  

Feel free to use our contact formular, to arrange an initial meeting to simplify your construction site documentation. We look forward to hearing from you and your inquiry. 

Yours, Walter Lorz von OBCC